Requests for information
We have started sending to farmers requests for information whether they used the agricultural exemption (FSS) in the 2021-2022 marketing year. The information we expect should include the answer whether the farmer has sown or planted material from his own harvest of PBR protected varieties during the period indicated or not.
At the same time, we remind you that:
- We request information from farmers on the basis of the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2100/94 of July 27, 1994 on the Community plant variety protection system and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1768/95 of July 24, 1995 r., laying down the implementing rules for the agricultural derogation (…).
- The application concerns only varieties protected by an exclusive right at Community level; when providing information, the farmer may, however, also take into account the varieties protected on Polish national level, if he has sown farm-saved seed of such varieties.
- The answer must be in writing – it can be provided on the AGNAS form attached to the request for information, by letter, e-mail ( or via the Agn@s online platform.
- The reply to the request for information is obligatory, even if the farmer used only qualified seed or did not cultivate any crops.
- Farmers who own land with an area of <30 ha (for species other than potatoes) and <10 ha (for potatoes) are exempt from the obligation to answer. Please only let us know in writing.
Please also inform us in writing (by letter or e-mail) if there are any significant changes in your case, e.g. sale or lease of agricultural land, change of farmer’s data, liquidation of a farm.
In case of any questions or doubts, we provide explanations at the phone numbers indicated in the header and footer of the page or in the Contact tab, on working days, from 8:30-15:00 hrs.