Illegal trade in sowing material
We would like to remind you that the use of non-certified material purchased from a random seller for sowing is not only risky, but also illegal.
We would like to remind you that the use of non-certified material purchased from a random seller for sowing is not only risky, but also illegal.
Best wishes for Christmas and a new year from the whole team of Agencja Nasienna Sp. z o.o.
In November 2020, we prepared and conducted online lectures with elements of workshops on the protection of the exclusive right to plant varieties for the students of Poznań University of Life Sciences.
When sowing farm-saved seed of a variety protected with PBR, do not forget about paying FSS fee for the Breeder. To make settlements you can use the AGNAS form available on our website.
If in spring 2020 you used farm-saved seed or seed potato of the varieties protected with PBR, we kindly remind you to pay FSS fees to the breeder. The auxiliary AGNAS form and the current lists of varieties are already available on our website.
We kindly invite you to visit our renewed website. We did our best to make the usage of our website more comfortable and friendly, particularly for mobile users.
From 17 March 2020 until cancelled Agencja Nasienna will be opened from 8:00 to 13:00.
Please be reminded that farmers shall use for sowing only purchased certified seed or seed potato. It is also allowed to use harvested material of a protected company, keeping in mind that there is the obligation to pay FSS fee to the breeder.