In accordance to the current legal status, the remuneration for using farm-saved seed shall be paid within following periods:
– for the varieties protected on national level in PL (Attachments no. 1 and 2): within 30 days from the date of sowing
SPRING 2022 form
For those of you who used farm-saved seeds or seed potatoes of varieties protected with PBR in spring 2022, we would like to remind of the statutory obligation to pay the breeder for sowing under agricultural exemption. The FSS fee, as every year, amounts to 50% of the royalty rate for each kg of material used from the harvest. The auxiliary AGNAS form for the spring season 2022 and the current lists of varieties (Attachments 1-4) can be found on our website.
We also invite you to take advantage of the on-line settlement via the Agn@s platform. To get access to the platform, all you need to do is complete the application for the account creation and send it to us by e-mail ( or by post.
– for the varieties protected on the Community level (Attachments no. 3 and 4): immediately, but no later than 30 June of the marketing year in which sowing of the harvested seed took place