In accordance to the current legal status, the remuneration for using farm-saved seed shall be paid within following periods:
– for the varieties protected on national level in PL (Attachments no. 1 and 2): within 30 days from the date of sowing
SPRING 2021 form
We would like to remind you about the statutory obligation to pay for the use of farm-saved seed for sowing under agricultural exemption. If in spring 2021 you used seed or seed potatoes from a harvest of the varieties protected with PBR, you shall pay to the Breeder the FSS fee of 50% of the royalty rate for each kg of harvested material you used. The auxiliary AGNAS form and the current variety lists (Attachments no. 1-4) are available on our website.
You can also make an on-line settlement via the Agn@s platform, and then download the e-invoice in a pdf file. To get access to the platform, simply complete the application for the account creation and send it to us by e-mail ( or by post.
– for the varieties protected on the Community level (Attachments no. 3 and 4): immediately, but no later than 30 June of the marketing year in which sowing of the harvested seed took place